Welcome to SimpleBio.jl!
Work with biological sequences as simple as a text way!
1. Sequence identification for DNA or RNA by isdna, isrna functions.
2. Work with nucleotides:
- Function transcript (xtranscript) for transcription of DNA to RNA (xtranscript for DNA with nucleobase not ATCG.)
- Reverse-compliment sequence using DNArc and RNArc functions.
- Retro-Transcription of RNA to DNA using RTanscript function.
- Function RandSeq for generating DNA, RNA or amino acid chains.
- Use the tranlatedna function for translation of dna sequence (also can enter RNA sequence if needed) to amino acid sequence.
3. Sequence alignment with nalign (DNA or RNA) and aalign (for amino acid sequences).
4. Outputs are text String that can be used in the further processing!
To install SimpleBio, type ']' in REPL to enter Pkg mode and type:
add SimpleBio
To use SimpleBio, simply type in:
using SimpleBio